
Rigmarole can be defined as "confused, rambling, or incoherent discourse; nonsense." I figure this gives me permission to talk about pretty much anything I feel like on this blog. So, set your expectations low, and read on!

Friday, October 7, 2011

DIY: The Too Faced New Romantic Make-Up Collection, Remodeled

A month or two ago, I received the Too Faced New Romantic Make-Up Collection in a swap from another "forum friend."  I was very excited.  I've enjoyed the three eyeshadows and the blush in the palette, but I've had one big complaint.

I strongly dislike when companies mix in lip glosses with powdered products.  Talk about nasty-looking contamination!  There's always powdered bits of makeup making their way into the sticky glosses, and I can't bring myself to use them looking that way.  Besides, since this was a used palette, I felt somewhat hesitant to use the lip products anyway.

So, after thinking and considering what to do, I decided I would look into a magnetized palette in which to put the eyeshadows and blush.  Lip glosses: "Bye-bye."

The cheapest palette I could find was Elf's Elements palette, which had two drawbacks.  It was not magnetized, and it was set up for round products, not rectangular.

I fixed that by removing the circular guides and supergluing the metal sheet to the bottom of the palette.  I then began dismantling the Too Faced palette and preparing the powder products to be magnetized.

Using a knife to loosen the top cardboard layer from the base.

Success!  All the products were accessible...

Blush Fail!  I learned the hard way that the putty knife was a better tool for the job.
Into the garbage with the blush... Sad day...

Practicing removal of the products by messing with the glosses first -- Bye-bye!

And, success!  Three eyeshadows saved!

Preparing the adhesive magnetic sheets for the back of the shadows.

Project in progress...
I dug the blush back out of the garbage.  
I use it as an eyeshadow anyways, and it's a beautiful color.  
Although a bit less pretty than it once was, it's salvagable, I think.

Finished product.

Overall success.

My goal was two-fold with this project:
1. Promote creativity. CHECK!
2. End up with a smaller, space-saving palette. CHECK!

Not so bad for my first attempt!

What DIY projects have you done lately involving your makeup collection?

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