
Rigmarole can be defined as "confused, rambling, or incoherent discourse; nonsense." I figure this gives me permission to talk about pretty much anything I feel like on this blog. So, set your expectations low, and read on!

Friday, December 16, 2011

Stocking Stuffers for Her!

Here's my stocking stuffers for the ladies in my life:

Now, I totally believe in giving credit where credit is due.  I have emilynoel83 on YouTube to thank for this idea.  You can watch her video below (this idea is at 3:15) and see all the fantastic stocking stuffers she came up with!

So these are simply some ELF makeup items that I stacked together. Honestly I think Emily's look better than mine, and part of that is because instead of buying the eyeliner, which would have been the smallest box on the top of the stack, I bought an eyeshadow. I figured that the people I was buying for would use eyeshadow more than eyeliner. BUT I didn't consider that my hasty decision meant that the middle and top boxes would be the same size. To make it less obvious, I actually made my first stack with the boxes turned and twisted a little. I like the effect.

These were inexpensive and simple to make.  I used a little sticky puddy to hold the products to one another while I tied some holiday ribbon around them.  I'm pretty excited, and I hope the recipients enjoy the makeup as much as I enjoyed the process!

What are your stocking stuffer or DIY projects this holiday season?  Share them with me!

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