
Rigmarole can be defined as "confused, rambling, or incoherent discourse; nonsense." I figure this gives me permission to talk about pretty much anything I feel like on this blog. So, set your expectations low, and read on!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Istanbul: Where We Stayed

Pretty amazing view, right? This view was from a rooftop restaurant where we ate a few nights ago. Our hotel, the Eski Konak Hotel, is the mustard-colored skinny building in the bottom of the photo. We're in the room on the top floor with the wall of windows. The domed tops of the windows below us are peaking out just above the dark flat roof in the foreground.

The mosque pictured above is the Blue Mosque, although it looks rather yellow all lit up at night. Here it is during the day from a different side:

Our accommodations have been clean and simple. As my dear husband said, "I recognize things here that were on the website, but let's just say they did a good job with the photography." That's not a complaint, just a reality. We ended up liking our homebase quite a bit for the four nights we spent there. If you click here, our room is in pictures 5, 6, 7, and 8. Our view of the water is photo 12. Or, here's our view on a cloudy day, emphasis on the awesome black and white hotel. Love the architecture!

How about you: Ever visited Istanbul? What was your experience?

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